About Derek
Derek Dunn is an apostolic and prophetic voice who ministers with a passion to bring reformation and revival to the nations, to build the church and activate believers in their gifts and callings.
Derek is passionate for the nations. For 28 years, Derek has been empowering leaders and believers to maximize and grow their ministries to their fullest potential and to be released into the supernatural.
Derek loves the local church and as Executive Pastor and strategist of one of the largest churches in Asia, Derek was instrumental in implementing structure and leadership development that saw the Church grow from 1,400 members to their highest average attendance of 32,000 over 16 years.
After 18 years as a full time missionary, in 2011 Derek received a mandate to return to the USA to redig the wells of revival. On Easter Sunday 2013, Derek and his wife Susan, co-founded Alive Church (formerly known as) City Harvest Church (@alivechurchoc, www.aliveoc.org) in Orange County, CA. In 2017 they founded City Harvest Training Center, a two-year school, with a desire to greater equip the end time remnant to be strong in the Word and Spirit to bring transformation where God has called them.
Derek is happily married to Susan, founder of WOW31-a resource platform for Christian women to share, learn, inspire and encourage each other. They are the proud parents of three children—Ethan, Erin and Erika.
For more information or to invite Derek and/or Susan to speak at your church or conference, use the invite option below or email us at info@derekdunn.org.